Sunday, May 16, 2010

Week Three: May 15 - 22

Another week has come and passed and I must label this past week as a successful one. I am one day late posting this week but none the less I weighed in yesterday morning at 235.5 lbs. That means over the past 7 days I lost 2.5 lbs for a grand total of 6 over the first two weeks. Also as of yesterday I completed my first 2 week challenge of going soda free for 2 weeks. That said I am going to continue to refrain from drinking any kind of soda for the duration of this blog at least. I have to admit I don't really miss it very much if at all. Sure it's a little awkward at times but that is minor stuff. Right now I have a can of pepsi in the fridge that came with our lunch on the first day of work and at the end of my work term I want to be able to take that same can of pepsi and pour it down the sink. I figure if I have access and still chose not to drink it it will be more of a challenge than just not buying it. Because lets face it I am going to go places where pop will be available so I have to be able to turn it down even when it is there opposed to not drinking it simply because there is none.
So with one challenge over an new one begins. As suggested by my friend Brad Coombs for the next 2 weeks and likely beyond I will be tracking every calorie I intake over the next 2 weeks using I started keeping track today with my breakfast which consisted of a total of 582 calories. Not only am I going to track foods and calories but activities as well. This is a fantastic site as far as I can tell thus far. It give you a recommended daily calorie intake based on the profile you create, allows you to track your calories in (food) and calories out (Activity/exercise). The goal is to have more calories out in the run of a day than in. Oh and I forgot to mention the best part of the site, its completely free.
Well I guess that is all for this week. I encourage everyone to keep reading and leave comments/feedback either at the bottom of the blog, in my facebook inbox or on twitter to @shawn_green.

And as always,

With will power, dedication and hard work, no goal is unattainable.

Take Care until next week.


  1. I am starting ww's tomorrow and continuing with my gym commitment I have made since exams ended I think it's much easier to keep on track with a diet and exercise routine when on work term.

    Hopefully I can keep it up after work term is over, good luck! :D

  2. Calorie counting is a real eye opener! Once you start calorie counting you never stop (at least in your head). is great too

  3. Hey! I have a suggestion for a 2 week challenge, but it's a tough one. Are you up for this?

    For two weeks treat your body as if you were an insulin dependent diabetic. What this means? No raw sugar intake whatsoever, that includes junk, candy, cookies, juices, etc. and limit your sugared foods intake like sauces, condiments, etc.

    It'd be tough, but certainly an eye opener as well.

    Good luck if you take it on, and great blog!
